Friday, May 12, 2006

Thinking Things Through...

Like most people, I couldn't help but notice the large Pro-Life Rally on Parlaiment Hill yesterday. For the record, I'm pro-life, but not the "hold a sign, sign a petition" kind of pro-lifer. I guess everybody sees it differently, but here are my thoughts on yesterday's rally.

There are believers on the government side of the house who hold to biblical values. We are blessed to have a Christian serving as the PM of our great nation. One of the greatest challenges he and his party faced during the last campaign came in the constant "fear mongering" that the media and other political parties constantly threw at them. The underlying message was "these people are dangerous, they can't be trusted and that Canadians should be concerned about their hidden agenda." So now, after just over 100 days in office, we are seeking to bring abortion back onto the political table. This does us a huge disservice. First of all, it gives credence to the notion that "these people are dangerous" and that a government led by a believer will pander to the evangelical right. In my mind the last place the church should be right now is protesting on Parlaiment Hill, unless it is to pray, support and encourage the leaders who are there by God's appointment. I think we should be there relationally, but I don't think we need to be there demonstrating what we are against, yet one more time.

At some point, it comes down to trust. First of all, we need to trust God that He is in control and directing the affairs of our nation. Secondly, we need to trust the believers that currently are serving in government. All of this is a process and it takes time for things to change. Finally, if you feel the need to do/say something, write your MP a letter. Tell them that you appreciate them and that you are praying for them and if there is a way you can serve them, you would be glad to do so!

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