Monday, September 29, 2014

Please Welcome Uve Knaak!

I love how God makes things happen!  At the beginning of summer, our Chaplain position in Alberta became vacant.  Rather than beginning an intense search and recruiting process, I really felt like I was to wait until the fall.  I confess that I'm not a very good 'waiter', but in this case, God reminded me of something that He taught me within our first few weeks in Victoria.  Waiting is not wasting my time.  Waiting is giving God the freedom to work in a situation without my getting in the way.  My job is to stay focused on what He has asked me to do, while He does His job and works things out behind the scenes.

Over the course of the summer, I met Uve Knaak, (OooVay) through a mutual friend.  Uve asked about Leading Influence and Alberta in particular.  I mentioned that we had a ministry opportunity open in Edmonton and we began a conversation about his potential involvement with us.  Uve is a soon to be retired Senior VP with Canadian Western Bank.  For the past 25 years he has worked in leadership development and as an Executive Coach.  As a bonus, he also has a theology degree from Briercrest College and spent several years as a pastor.  Uve is a perfect fit for our team and will be a tremendous blessing to MLAs in Alberta and to Leading Influence across Canada.  We are very happy to have Uve and Rose join our team and welcome them to the Leading Influence team.

Uve's first day in the Alberta Legislature will be November 17! If you live in Alberta and would like to connect with him, you can reach him at  

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